Saturday 6 October 2012

275: Down With Fever

It has been a week but there's still no sign of Emir's cough will disappear any sooner. (sigh)

For record, this is the first time Emir is down with fever and cough. The day he caught up with fever was in the midnight of last Monday. I swear I was the most  worried mommy in the world when all so sudden, Emir's body temperature rose and became hotter than it supposed to be.

Of course he was crying. You know, coughing, increasing body temperature..and this is a little baby who are dealing with those uncomfortable feeling.

As his head getting hotter, I took some water and rubbed it off around his head and face. But I became more panic as Emir seems to get shocked with the sudden cool water and cried louder. Oh my baby...In the middle of midnight, we couldn't figure out in head any nearby clinic operating at this hour. So we decided to feed him with Paracetamol syrup provided by the clinic from which Emir went to for his vaccinations. Thanks to Allah, his body temperature slightly went down as soon as we gave him 1.5ml of the syrup. And due to his tiredness of crying beforehand has put him down to sleep again.

The next day, we went off to clinic. According to doctor, he still has the fever but there's not much to worry about. Hence, we got a Uphamol for fever and  Dysolvon Syrup for the cough. 

Comes the following day, when I thought we are ready to send Emir back to nursery so that both of us could resume to work, Emir fell sick even worse than the day before.. leaving us with no other options that I had to stay and take care of my little baby while hubby go to work.

Being left alone with my sick baby, my physical and emotion were really tested. From the moment hubby left the door, I have to dedicate all of my time to look after emir. Feeling sick is not a good experience even for us, adults. Inikan pula emir yang baru je menginjak usia 4 bulan...(cry) For the whole morning, Emir just crying with his eyes closed most of the time..even to open up his eyes pun macam tak larat. Berdukung nangis, apatah lagi to put him on his bed. I knew that he must be struggling to breathe as I saw his stomach  pulling in and out harder every time he's breathing.
As a new mom, I have no experience with sick babies so I am quite lack of knowledge on how to encounter the situation. Again, thanks to Allah..the knowledge has been conveyed to me through my friends when I uploaded Emir's picture in FB. I would like to thanks few friends especially Dot for the sponging tips. It helps reducing Emir's body heat a lot..And because of that, Emir could sleep more soundly and get to wake up at the late evening with a smile on his face  (which I haven't seen him smiling even a tiny bit of smile since a night before). As I told my father the other day, it was the first time Emir was not happy during his bath time..merengek2 je walaupun dah masuk dalam bath tub kegemaran dia. :(

So for new mommies who doesn't know, this is how we do the sponging to reduce our baby's body temperature whenever he's down with high fever.

1. Undress your baby, leave him only with his diaper on.
2. Switch off the fan.
3. Damp  a small towel and put on your baby's stomach, underarms, arms, neck, and head.
4. Leave it for a few minutes.
5. Take it off from your baby and start damping the towel again. At the moment you take off the towel, you may find the towel is warm as it has asorbed the heat from your baby.
6. Repeat the same procedures for about 10 minutes until you feel the temperature has lowered down.
7. You may leave your baby sleeps with the towels on his body and head to avoid his body temperature rise again.
Hope this help. In return, would you do me a favor? Could you please pray for my little emir..for he will fully recovered and his cough will disappear immediately so that we could see that cheeky smile again?  
Thank you and May Allah Bless :)

p/s: Help Softlan to collect 1,000,000 pledges so they can donate RM 100,000 to the Breast Cancer Charity. My dear ladies, please pledge now if you care. Click here to pledge :)


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