Friday 13 July 2012

253: Giving Birth Experience [The Waiting Game]

..continued from "The Contractions Attacks"

When the doctor said I'm already 3cm dilated, it means I'm ready to be warded. While Ezal went to park his car, two nurses then escorted me to the waiting-for-labour ward at level 4 (Ward 4C).  How I wish I was wheeled up there instead of walking. Tapi yelah, kalau nak mempercepatkan bukaan..memang kena banyak berjalan ye, especially for the first child..it would take 1hr for cervix to dilate to 1cm.

Speaking of that, I might need another 7 hours to tolerate with this contractions pain to allow my cervix to be completely dilated to 10cm. Sheshhh, even another 5 minutes contractions pain pun dah tak sanggup inikan pula another 7 hours.Oh my!

Earlier at home, when contractions attacked every 15 minutes, ada juga suami tolong urut-urutkan,  maka kurang sikit sakit yang menusuk-nusuk bahagian belakang pinggang. But being here, in the hospital ward, nobody is allowed to accompany the patient except during the limited visiting hours, from 12.30pm-2pm and 5pm-7pm. Haih laa, masa ni rasa sedih sebab terasa macam menanggung sakit sorang-sorang. Memanglah kalau husband ada pun, still sakit kita..badan sendiri yang menanggung tapi sekurang-kurangnya kalau ada suami dapat juga dia tolong usap-usapkan bahagian belakang pinggang dan bagi kata-kata semangat pada kita.

After I changed to the pink hospital attire, I quickly lay on my bed, tak mampu nak berdiri lama. With me in the 2nd class ward were another 3 patients (who seems quite well to me..not in the painful condition as myself). Just to let you know, there's no 1st class ward in Hospital Ampang. In fact, I prefer to get a single bed room so that I could cry or scream out loud like nobody's business whenever the contractions become unbearable.Fuh~

Somehow, it seems like I was the only one yang mengerekot atas katil tahan sakit. Dalam hati terdetik, diorang ni belum nak beranak lagikah? Since I was already in pain, I didn't bother to say hi to any of them. Nak senyum pun dah tak larat apatah lagi nak bertegur sapa (diorang pun buat hal sendiri je, mungkin tengah berfikir bagaimana agaknya proses bersalin masing-masing nanti ;p )

Then, a nurse came to  get some of my details. Before she left, she reminded me to intercom when the contractions start to occur at every 5 minutes (by that time, my contractions was already every 10 minutes apart). I just nodded. The nurse went away, and there goes another series of contractions..

Not so long after that, Ezal showed up with the hospital bag. Since it was already passed breakfast time which food was served at 7am, family members are allowed to bring in food for patient. Itupun only for 10 minutes.

As briefed by the nurse to me earlier, I told my husband that after the labour, patient shall be transferred to another ward, Ward 4D (post delivery). Meaning that Ezal has to carry the hospital bag with him all the time selagi proses bersalin belum selesai. To others, make sure you reduce stuff in your hospital bag. Kalau tak, suami kena la mengusung beg yg berat ke sana ke mari. Kesian dia..

By 9am, I started to feel more regular pain at my lower back. That's it! Hard contractions at 4 minutes apart. As the interval became shorter, the pain became more intense! -__-'

At 11am, for the second time I was checked. (To me, the VE (vaginal examination) procedure is quite hurt and sooo uncomfortable!) Bad news..I was extremely upset when doctor told me I was still 3cm dilated. Haih, no progress even after 4 freaking hours!!

When lunch served at 12pm, I could only look at the food, helplessly. Serious, memang tiada nafsu hendak makan. Deria yang ada semua tertumpu pada rasa sakit di bahagian atas pinggul, belakang pinggang. I don't know how to deal with the pain. Sedar2 Ezal sudah berada di tepi katil. Saya cuba hendak mengadu pada suami akan kesakitan yang ditanggung. Tapi, rasanya tak terkeluar semua rintihan2 tu..semua tersekat di peti suara. Barangkali, melihat keadaan saya suami juga memahami beban yang saya tanggung.. mungkin.

Apa  yang mampu saya lakukan hanyalah berzikir sebanyak-banyaknya dengan doa nabi Yunus agar dipermudahkan kelahiran nanti:

"Laa ila ha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz dzalimin"
(Surah Al-Anbiya)

Looking at the food being untouched, husband offered them to me. I refused but requested for a bar of chocolate. He then came back with  a bar of Kit Kat. That was my only energy source for labour process later on, other than the kebab I had last night for dinner. Makan Kit Kat pun tak habis, just half of the packet.

Around 1pm, I was called by the nurse for the VE procedure again. This time instead of being checked on my bed,  I need to walk to the room at further front, near to the counter. Dengan segala kudrat yang ada, berjalanlah saya perlahan-lahan menuju ke bilik yang dimaksudkan. Sakitnya bukan kepalang, namun saya tetap gigih berjalan dengan harapan akan cepatlah bukaan mencapai 10cm.

Again, I was told the same bad news."Maaf ye puan, bukaan masih lagi 3cm" Huarghhh...dah sakit macam ni pun still 3cm? I was barely dilated! Hairan kenapa sakit makin menjadi-jadi tapi tiada improvement pun pada bukaan pangkal rahim. Saya pun dengan longlai turun dari katil selepas pemeriksaan. This time, I could feel blood gushing out. I looked at my pink sarong. Yep, there are some blood stain on it.

As Ezal came back from performing Zuhur prayer around 2pm, I experienced more excruciating contractions that I screamed out loud. "Teruk sangat dah ni?Nak panggil nurse ke?" I heard my husband voice..Yes2 please..and again they checked the opening.

"Ok, dah 4cm, boleh la hantar ke wad bersalin" Oh God, I was so happy to hear that. In fact, they won't let you be in the labour room if you haven't dilate to 5cm. Tapi mungkin sebab contractions yang saya alami tersangat la kuat, they allowed me to go. Siap one of the nurse tu tanya.."Ada ambil air selusuh ke?air akar kayu? air zam-zam?".."Nampak teruk sangat contractions awak ni"
Dan kesekian kalinya saya hanya menggeleng kepala..sambil mengerang kesakitan.

It was a major relief to hear that in the labour room, there'll be some aid to lessen my contractions pain. I looked at my watch, it was about 2.15pm when they wheeled me to Wad Bersalin.

Phew~this post is getting too long. I'll wrap up everything in the next chapter :)

p/s: Emir refused to sleep alone on his bed (maybe air-cond sejuk sgt) on his very first night at hospital,  so we spent the whole night together with little emir sleeping next to mommy :')


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