Friday 7 December 2012

290: My baby first meal

For record, I've started feeding Emir with solids since last two weeks as he'd already turned six months recently. Yaayyy!!

This is our first attempt, so we tried Farleys' Rusks. As advised by our baby sitter, do not introduce porridge to Emir (yet), not until he reach at least nine months old. So, how did he taking it? Haha..here are some pictures of him experimenting his food for the first time!
As you can see, he didn't swallow his food. Poor baby, I guess he was confused on what he is supposed to do with them. The sensation of something creamy with a little bit texture (unlike milk) in his mouth must be a new thing for him.

All this while it's always milk, milk and milk. All so sudden, "Eh, what's this creamy thing in my mouth?.Hmm..It's quite thick and sweet. Am I supposed to let them gone into my throat or just let them here, forever ?"...
Which apparently, he just shoved it all in his mouth and never swallow! Haha..see those mess?
feeding farley's rusk
It's either he didn't like it or he just being born with a little appetite..kihkih
After about 30minutes, he end-up with his normal feeding routine.."Emir: Yes, milk, milk, milk ...I like!"

Day 2.
I could see some improvement *good news*. Amazingly, Emir seems to know how to cope with his food this time. Spoon after spoon, he finally completed his meal! Siap nangis in between feed, whenever mama lambat sikit nak sua spoon to him.
Danggg!  -__-'
Tapi after fed pun, still nak susu laa... Haha, so let's accept the fact that Emir's 'tank' is getting much bigger now!

In the meantime, I'm looking around for simple recipe for baby's food preparation. I stumbled upon this one. A very easy peasy instant porridge prep! (which so happen that this blogger a.k.a Cheyan is my junior at KUSESS. Haaah, what a small world!) Hi Yanti!! (lambai tangan sambil kenyit2 mata).

If you have recipes, kindly share with me? can? ;)


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