Wednesday 2 February 2011

157: Maysaa Chiffon Scarf Snood

It was lunch break on Monday and i just got in when sis. Ana who apparently was taking turn at the receptionist counter (waiting over to answer any phone calls whilst Ira is having lunch), handing me the 'City-Link covered' parcel. I looked at the sender..."Yess!!"..it's from Maysaa.
I cheered excitely and opened it immediately right after I got to my place..(couldn't wait till i get home)..and there goes..all the way from UK, a brown box nicely ribboned despite a bit disfigured shape due to the handling along the shipping i bet..
You may found some other bloggers did review on the scarf snood...nevertheless i would love to share my own personal thoughts of the scarf ..still :p
For info. (yes, i've googled some input before i placed my order ) the scarf would cost you RM110 (converted from Euro Pound 19+3[delivery cost]=22 pound)..but there should be zero delivery cost upon order above 35pound (great..i couldn't find the currency symbol on my netbook)..huhu -_-
Anyway, being smart.. i managed to convinced my sister to also get herself the same scarf which makes my order to 2 nos. = 38pound. (yeay...free delivery!) :D :D..Talking about the delivery rates, I noticed from a blog (which i 've forgotten the link..my bad), the delivery cost for any online purchase from MAYSAA.com was previously even higher..when it was introduced by Hana Tajima (the designer) in mid 2010 (if I'm not mistaken), the shipping cost you more than half of the scarf price itself = 15pound. Let's calculate..for a purchase of a scarf..19+15=34pound..converted to RM is RM170..wowowo...i considered myself lucky that i discovered about the scarf quite late..errmmmm, but not that late la..hahaha :p it's going to be HOT as YUNA is also into this designer brand.
There you go..the tag and labels resembles a bit TOPSHOP..but it doesn't really matter.In fact, simple yet stylish..i like;)
Finally..tadaaa...this is how i look in my brand new Maysaa chiffon scarf snood. I put this on during my day out with Nadia yesterday..enjoying our 'single' moments at Pavilion..catching up with stories and latest updates :p..the scarf is one of it's kind and with the provided zip..you won't encounter any problem wearing it. just one zip and off you go!!..easy peasy;)
Behind all of this maysaa scarf hunting..i would love to thanks kak fara (Nur Farhana Azhar) for sort of introducing me to Hana Tajima as such putting link of Maysaa.com to her FB status..I'm glad I click on the link!!


Hana Azhar said...

yeay..i got credited!! Thank you Pae! hehe... :D

pae dasuki said...

kak fara..don't forget to upload to FB-- yourself in the snood once u get ya! mesti mcm org Arab ;)

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