Sunday 28 October 2012

281: Dilemma of A Breastfeeding Mom..

It's 3.00 in the morning.

I'm just done with another pumping session after theprevious one I had at 10. Oh Allah, please help me with my milk supply. 

My baby is only five months old, and I'm not yet ready to let him consume 100% formula milk. The fact that I have to start feeding him with formula milk really break my heart, what's more to let him rely totally on FM. My wish, my desire to fully breastfeed my little one has gone into the drain (cry..T__T).

These days, I could hardly get enough milk for my baby. (Since Emir is drinking 5 bottles during the day, 5 oz each feed.. I am no longer able to cope with his demands).
I'm not sure what is my milk booster, after all that I've tried, I still couldn't figure out.
Furthermore, with the pump condition which I think may not last any longer, has worsened my situation now. The motor getting noisier each day, and the suction is not as good as before. Sigh~

I'm thinking of getting another pump, the best of it's kind.

I hope this could fix the problem. Question is, can this help to solve my problem? Can my low milk supply be recovered if I'm using this pump? Anyone could suggest to me whether I should buy or shouldn't I?




Pn.Bayu said...

Dear Pae,
Dont Give up.. set on your mind.. pk yang positif je.. Pump regularly and baby Feed Direct..sangat membantu nak stimulate. Just nak share amalan yang meng buat untuk pastikan fully BF selama yang boleh (tapi sekrang terpaksa campur dgn FM selepas bulan puasa..sob sob sob..)... banyak jugak meng cuba milk booster..orang cakap itu..kita cuba..cakap ini kita cuba...sampai ada yang suggest amik pil untuk tambah susu... Alhamdulillah... pil masih boleh diketepikan dahulu.. apa yang meng buat adalah... pagi akan minum milo / horlic / milo + horlic suam ... tengah hari ..ambil segelas susu ( meng minum fresh milk 1 kotak) ... kadang-kadang amil juga minuman dari sumber soya... malam sebelum tidur.. minum susu... ( tak kisah susu apa... but sy minum susu kambing..) siang hari minum air masak banyak-banyak... Menu itu boleh diubah mengikut selera... jangan stress tau. Mengenai Pump... untuk anak 1st rasanya tak rugi kot kalau Pae nak beli FS tu.. melabur sikit.. tapi sangat berbaloi... serius memang berbaloi... (pheww macam iklan) ....hehehhehe

pae dasuki said...

Thanks for sharing such a long tips ;) Kalau ingat balik, mmg elok kot minum Milo sbb dulu masa confinement mmg evry morning breakfast milo panas. Pastu time2 lain pun ada gak minum Milo sbb air tu je yg best utk ditelan. Selain tu minum air jamu NR dan air suam. Dah lepas pantang jarang2 lak minum milo asyik belasah coffee je. Now dah start balik minum Milo :) harap2 ok sket la supply lepas ni -_-'

Haritu try buat air longan sbb lilia (my friend) kata tu sort of milk booster dia la. Nampaknya it works on some people but unfortunately not me :(

Sekarang ni mmg tawakal je la nak beli Medela FS tu. Like u said, melabur sikit.. kalau x dapat nak bantu increase balik milk production, at least boleh guna untuk next child..InsyaAllah :)

Nak beli online ni..harga dia RM1,380.Ok ke?dulu meng beli kat mana?ada bole dapat lagi murah tak dari price ni ?:p

schult said...

Try consume metoclopramide (ubat tahan muntah). It helps my SIL when she's insufficient with milk supply :D

pae dasuki said...

Ubat tahan muntah tu nak dapatkan dari mana?farmasi? Sorry la nak tanya, apa perkaitan pil tu dengan milk supply ye..huhu

Pn. Bayu said...

hooo..o.k, untuk FS masa meng beli dekat 1550 masa tu harga belum turun...dan takde pilihan warranty (local or int.) tapi sekarang dah ada. Dulu meng beli kat kawan opis actually dia owner online shop "periwinkle" senang sikit nk berurusan, nak tnya itu ini senang dapat info..heheheh

untuk harga yang Pae mentioned tu...ok sgt kot..memang sekrang harga dia lebih kurang cenggitu.. dan rasanya agak murah :)

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