Monday 3 December 2007

060: Ranau-Kota Kinabalu (part II)

From countryside to the urban area..
Ranau to Kota Kinabalu…

Not much to say ‘bout things in KK. Compared to my last visit to Kuching, I would say that the preference is to stay in kuching rather than in KK..hikhik.. At least kuching ade waterfront yang boleh dilawati pada siang dan malam hari..kat KK plak, berdepan dengan Hyatt Hotel, ade seafront..tp bukan lah beach..it’s a jetty-wet market area..haha, nak beli ikan fresh yang murah bole la..RM 1 sekilo.hihi..sangat MURAH kan..but to get that price, you got to be there very early in the morning..sebelum matahari naik, tunggu bot² yang datang dgn hasil tangkapan..nak ape?? ikan, udang, ketam, sotong..ahha..sumernyer fresh from the sea =) Alang² dah murah tu, haaa..on the last day tu, I bought ketam and udang bawak balik KL..hehe, ketam dia mmg sangat BESAR..2kg tu ade 6 ketul je.. ade yg lgi besar tp takut pulak tengok :p..udang plak camacam jenis ade..paling besar udang harimau la which is sekilo RM 60.haaa..mmg size XXL jugak la..kihkihkih
At KK, we stay in Hyatt..yup, it’s very convenience for us to shop at the well-known ‘Filipino Handicraft Market’. Distance from airport to Hyatt hotel is quite near though..around 15min. driving. However, sepanjang duduk KK, hari² hujan..so aktiviti untuk jalan² di petang hari terpaksa dibatalkan..except for the last day tu barulah cuaca agak baik.. Kat Pasar Filipina, souvenir yg sgt femes ialah kristal dan pearl..but I don’t really interested with them..tp rase cam rugi lak kalau x bli something..sbb those pearl bile sampai KL dah jadi mahal..so I rewarded myself with few pearl rings..other handicraft pun murah..tp kene pandai bargain sbb harga dorg mmg dah mark-up.lagi mahal daripada brg yg jual dlm shopping [sempat buat survey dulu :p]

Perspective view of Hyatt hotel and the view towards the wet market and jetty from our room.

These kids are sooo cute, aren’t they?^_^…daughters of a chinese + Indian couple..Pricia and Sarah..the parents involved with our works, so they brought along their kids sebab takde orang jage kot.. Pricia (the elder sista) dah seronok sgt jupe akak dan abang (she’s so attached to ardi..:P), that she refused to go back ..haha, time nak balik dia meronta-ronta tanak masuk keta..pastu hulur² tangan nak pegi kat kitorg..sian dia..nangis² tanak berpisah ngan kitorg..huhu..aha, si pricia ni pandai sign language sebab both of her parents are deaf. Seronok tgk dia communicate dengan parents dia..so, secara tak langsung, they behave politely..yelah, normally budak kecik kan suke jerit² panggil mak ke ayah ke..tp, dlm kes si pricia ni..takdela jerit², if she tend to call her mom, dia main cuit² je...mula² tu she even ‘talk’ sign-language with me..heh, mmg la tak paham =p

Disebabkan tak boleh jalan², me and miera decided to pamper ourselves in the spa [pengaruh rancangan spa Q yg ditonton pd jam 6.30pm di bilik hotel]..semua kitorg pegi..steam, Jacuzzi, sauna..habih takde keje la kan…:p..dan akibatnye..time nak balik KL tu mata belah kanan mula rase sakit² dan merah..adela salur urat yang mengembang sebab masuk dalam ‘steam room’ kot [hehe, what a wild assumption].

Amek gambar sakit mata di peringkat awal.mata dah merah dan sedikit bengkak..nampak tak??

New talent for iklan minuman dalam tin berkarbonat..=P

That’s all..
“Pergilah bercuti, semuanya ada di Malaysia..Jom jalan²..Cuti² Malaysia”


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